
Luteal Phase Management - ppt download

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No declarations or conflicts Richard Kennedy No declarations or conflicts
AFRH Annual Meeting and IFFS Workshop. Abuja,
Richard Kennedy. No declarations or conflicts.
Rationale for support of the luteal phase. Conditions necessitating support. Evidence base. Therapeutic options.
Period of the menstrual cycle from LH peak to onset of menstruation. Endometrial changes. Luteal phase support. Hormonal supplementation in the luteal phase – usually progesterone. The International Glossary on Fertility and Fertility Care. Zegers-Hochschild et al. Fertility and Steril (2017) 108:
single midluteal serum progesterone concentration was obtained in 212 untreated. cycles in 113 infertile patients, including 138 cycles in 72 patients in whom tubal, seminal, and cervical causes of infertility had been excluded. There were 16. conception cycles in the latter group. In an extended study a total of 21 untreated. singleton conception cycles hlwe been observed with a mean progesterone value of nmolll (12.8 ng/ml), 95% confidence limits of28 to 53 nmolll (8.8 to 16.7 ng/ml), and. a range of27 to 53 nmolll (8.5 to 16.7 ng/ml). The range was much narrower than for. nonconception cycles (3 to 80 nmolll) (0.9 to 252 ng/ml), which extended significantly. above as well as below the conception range, indicating that there is an optimal range. for fertility with both an upper and a lower limit. The lower limit is of greater. practical importance; and, partly to allow for assay variation, we suggest it should be. taken as 30 nmolll (9.4 ng/ml). It provided a clinically reliable criterion of potential. fertility ( ovulation ) in related studies. Our findings in treated conception cycles. suggest that a higher value may be needed after treatment with clomiphene or. gonadotropins because of the contribution from other stimulated follicles. Fertil Steril 37:355, Patients with a normal menstrual cycle who. were attending a routine gynecology clinic at. Bristol Royal Infirmary for investigation of at. least 1 year s infertility had serum progesterone. determined on a single venous blood sample in. the midluteal phase of two cycles in most cases. The midluteal phase was defined as occurring between. 5 and 10 days prior to the following menstrual. period, in accordance with the findings of. previous investigators4-7 and based on detailed. studies showing that the progesterone concentration. normally remains at a fairly constant high. level throughout this time. 4 , 6, 8, 9. properly timed serum progesterone measurement. was obtained in a consecutive series of 212. untreated cycles in 113 patients. A single cycle. was studied in 38 patients, two in 54, three in 19, and four and five cycles in the remaining 2 pa- Vol. 37, No.3, March tients. For this study we assume the cycles to be. independent, and therefore the unequal number. per patient to be unimportant, since we have controlled. for patients with unrelated infertility factors, as follows. The results are shown in Table 1. and Figure 1 for the patients in three separate. groups, (a) with absolute causes of infertility such. as bilateral tubal occlusion or azoospermia or severe. oligospermia, (b) those with a negative postcoital. test (peT), defined by repeated absence of. progressive sperm in ovulatory endocervical. mucus 6 to 18 hours after intercourse,lO and (c) the main study group, having no physically defined. cause of infertility. Sixteen patients, all in. group c, conceived during these observed cycles, and all delivered a single baby as a result, except. one who aborted (serum progesterone 41 nmol/l). The mean age of these 16 patients was 28 years. (range 22 to 35 years) and their median duration. of infertility was 18 months (range 12 to 72. months). Frequency distribution of midluteal serum progesterone. concentration in 212 untreated cycles, including 16. conception cycles in infertile patients, according to the. presence or absence of recognizable infertility factors (see. text for details). 1 nglml = 3.18 nmol/L. Hull et al. Fertil & Steril, 1982; 37: 355.
Luteal phase insufficiency. Jones G. Clin Obstet & Gynaecol (1973) 16: 255. Effect of lutectomy at the time of sterilization on progesterone. Csapo, A.I Obstet. Gynecol. Surv. 33, 69–81. The luteal phase and early pregnancy after combined. GnRH-agonist/HMG in IVF or GIFT. Smitz, J et al. Hum. Reprod (1988); 3: 585–590. Implantation and survival of early pregnancy. Norwitz et al. N Eng J Medicine (2001); 345: Progesterone supplementation to reduce implantation failure in ART Nardo et al. Reprod Biomed Online (2006)13, 47–57.
Collins et al Fertil & Steril (1986) 46:945.
CL function is gonadotrophin dependent. CL produces Progesterone. Ovulation threshold = 30nmol /L (10ng/ml) Functioning CL necessary for pregnancy. Chemical or anatomical disruption of the CL will prevent pregnancy occurring. 1 nmol/L = 0.3 ng/ml.
Assumption: The corpus luteum does not function in an ART cycle and therefore needs to be supported
Yale. Group I = ovulation induction – non IVF. Group II = IVF non conception. Group III = IVF conception. All cycles had hCG trigger – no GnRHa used – all patients had HMG in follicular phase. Dlugi et al. Fertil and Steril (1985) 41: 530.
Bentick et al Fertil & Steril (1988) 50:
RCT. N=311. LBR: OR 1.30; 95% CI Ebrahimi et al. Int J Fertil Steril (2010);4:51–56. Systematic review. 3 studies; n= CPR: OR 1.17; 95% CI Miralpeix et al. J Assist Reprod & Genet (2014); 31: studies; n=1200. CPR; OR 0.85 CI Green et al. Fertil & Steril (2017) 107,
IUI and LPS. Miralpeix et al J Assist Reproduct Genetics (2014) 31:
LPS is not necessary for ovulation induction with clomiphene. gonadotrophins. LPS is not necessary for IUI unless GnRHa is used. 1 nmol/L = 0.3 ng/ml.
Medication. Progesterone. Gonadotrophins. from day 2. HCG. LHRHa from day 21. CycleDay Process. Scan. Scans. OR. ET. PT. Bleeding. Follicle growth. Luteal phase.
van der Linden M, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 7.
FIGURE 1. IVF and LPS: Progesterone + E2. Estradiol, LH, FSH, and P values after hCG administration in the P and in the P/E2 groups. Fatemi. Luteal support: the endocrine profile. Fertil Steril Fatemi et al. Fertil and Steril (2007) 87: 504. Fertility and Sterility , DOI: ( /j.fertnstert )
Outcome: CPR. Liu et al. Reproductive Biology & Endocrinology (2012); 10:107.
Luteal phase support. Metaanalysis of studies comparing different regimes. Conclusion: No evidence for choosing one regime / drug / method of administration.
Double blind, dummy-dummy, multicentre RCT. Aimed to test non-inferiority. N= 1031 randomised. Live birth. Oral 34.6 (170/492) Vaginal 29.9 (142/475) RR 4.7; 95% CI ( ) Tournaye et al. Hum Reprod (2017) 32:1019. Systematic review. N=3134. Ongoing pregnancy. OR 1.04; 95% CI Barbosa et al. Ultrasound Obstet and Gynaecol (2016); 48: 161.
LPS should be provided in GnRHa cycles. The evidence shows the same outcome regardless of the preparation used. Gestone injections should be avoided. The evidence does not support extension of LPS after + PT. 1 nmol/L = 0.3 ng/ml.
Medication. Progesterone. Gn Antagonist. from day 6. hCG. Gonadotrophins. from day 2. CycleDay Process. Scan. Scans. OR. ET. PT. Bleeding. Follicle growth. Luteal phase.
Figure 3. Serum concentrations of LH (hCG), FSH, E2, and P (mean ± sem) during triggering of final stages of oocyte maturation (0, 4, 8, 12, and 24 h) with two GnRH agonist (triptorelin and leuprorelin) or hCG after ovarian hyperstimulation for IVF and during the subsequent luteal phase [day of oocyte pick-up (OPU), embryo transfer (ET), and 1 and 2 wk after ET]. In the normal menstrual cycle the midcycle LH and FSH surge (lasting for ∼48 h) is a complex and carefully orchestrated event elicited in the late follicular phase by persistently elevated estrogen concentrations in combination with a small, but distinct, rise in P (28). Exposure to a transient massive stimulation by LH elicits the resumption of meiotic maturation of the oocyte, rupture of the dominant follicle resulting in the release of the oocyte, and luteinization of thecal and granulosa cells resulting in the formation of the corpus luteum. The timing of the endogenous LH surge is frequently disrupted if exogenous FSH is administered either for ovarian hyperstimulation for IVF or for the treatment of anovulation. Therefore, exogenous hCG (which activates the LH receptor due to structural and biological similarities to LH and which is easy to extract from urine of pregnant women) has been used for decades to replace endogenous LH during FSH stimulation protocols. hCG has been shown to effectively induce ovulation, final oocyte maturation, and corpus luteum formation. However, hCG has an extended MCR (4, 27), and therefore hCG can still be detected in the serum 10 d after the preovulatory bolus injection. Consequently, continued support of the corpus luteum by hCG elicits supraphysiological luteal phase steroid concentrations. Moreover, hCG in the late follicular phase may stimulate the growth of medium-sized follicles (3, 29, 30), which may subsequently ovulate. A midcycle bolus dose of hCG induces elevated follicular fluid P levels, suggesting changes in the microenvironment of the oocyte just before ovulation compared with the endogenous LH surge (31). Next to a hyperresponse of the ovary to stimulation (i.e. large late follicular phase number of follicles and very high E2 levels), both exogenous and endogenous hCG have clearly been associated with OHSS (32–34). The induction and stimulation of multiple corpora lutea may represent a key phenomenon in this regard. Although luteal phase support by repeated hCG injections has been clearly shown to be beneficial in IVF (35), randomized comparative trials have also convincingly demonstrated a higher incidence of OHSS in these patients (36, 37). Therefore, luteal function in IVF cycles is currently supplemented by exogenous P. Moreover, it has been shown that the late and most severe form of OHSS occurs especially in multiple pregnancies (coinciding with elevated hCG production) (32, 34). Indeed, withholding hCG along with discontinuation of ovarian stimulation effectively prevents ovulation, pregnancy, and the development of OHSS in women presenting with an excessive ovarian response. Other approaches for the prevention of OHSS include withholding gonadotropins for some days during the late follicular phase (also referred to as coasting), reducing the hCG bolus dose, replacing hCG with GnRH agonist as addressed in the current study, the administration of glucocorticoids or albumen, the avoidance of luteal support by hCG, and cryopreservation of embryos and transfer in subsequent cycles. It has been clearly shown in several animal models that the midcycle gonadotropin surge is accompanied by a major rise in endogenous GnRH in the portal circulation (38). Indeed, several initial studies in IVF showed that a midcycle endogenous LH rise could be induced by the late follicular phase administration of exogenous GnRH or GnRH agonist. Induction of final oocyte maturation with GnRH agonists in patients undergoing ovarian hyperstimulation is believed to be more physiological and of special benefit to high responders with an increased risk of developing OHSS. In the current study very high hCG levels (median, >200 IU/liter) lasted for 24 h (from 12–36 h after triggering of oocyte maturation), and clearance of the 10,000 IU hCG required around 10 d. Although effective, the approach to induce oocyte maturation by midcycle GnRH agonist administration lost interest during the nineties, as ovarian hyperstimulation protocols also included GnRH agonist coadministration to suppress a premature rise in LH during the follicular phase. This renders the pituitary in a state of desensitization, precluding stimulation of the endogenous LH surge. Several recent studies have shown that short-term GnRH antagonist administration during the late follicular phase is also effective in preventing a premature LH rise. This blockage of GnRH receptors on the gonadotropic cells by the antagonist can be reversed by GnRH stimulation, allowing reevaluation of stimulating a midcycle rise in endogenous LH. The primary purpose of the current study was to investigate the dynamics of the midcycle gonadotropin surge under these circumstances. The current study also demonstrates for the first time that final maturation of oocytes can be triggered with GnRH agonists rather than hCG after ovarian hyperstimulation using ganirelix to prevent a premature LH rise. An adequate pituitary response in terms of a rise in endogenous LH and FSH was observed after the administration of either 0.2 mg triptorelin or 0.5 mg leuprorelin, and luteal phase steroid levels were closer to the physiological range. Endogenous LH and FSH surges in the current study were comparable to those described after triggering of oocyte maturation using GnRH agonists in nonsuppressed subjects undergoing ovarian stimulation for IVF (5, 7). Thus, in the current study the doses of GnRH agonist administered 12 h after the last antagonist injection were sufficient to displace ganirelix from the GnRH receptors. The maximum LH and FSH levels were comparable to circulating midcycle LH and FSH levels in natural cycles (28). In a recent preliminary study (also applying 0.2 mg triptorelin for triggering of oocyte maturation in eight high responder patients treated with exogenous FSH and 0.25 mg ganirelix) higher maximum LH concentrations compared with the current study were reported (26). This may indicate that the magnitude of the LH surge is in part determined by the endocrine status of the patient, as high response patients were excluded from the current study. In the current study the duration of the LH surge appeared to be shorter compared with that in the natural cycle (24 vs. 36–48 h, respectively). This phenomenon might be explained by the immediate pituitary desensitization after the initial flare effect, as two doses of buserelin 12 h apart resulted in similar LH profiles (7). Despite the shorter duration compared with physiological conditions, the induced LH surge effectively stimulated final oocyte maturation, as reflected by the high percentage of metaphase II oocytes (72–85%) as well as good fertilization and embryo implantation rates. An alternative means of mimicking the midcycle gonadotropin surge is the administration of a high dose of recombinant LH (39). However, the relatively short half-life of this compound (40) suggests that very high or multiple doses should be given. A recently published large randomized comparative trial showed the complete absence of OHSS in women receiving a single dose of recombinant LH in doses up to 30,000 IU (41). Extensive studies in the monkey using different doses of LH or hCG suggest that the duration of the midcycle LH surge is critical for inducing a normally functioning corpus luteum (42, 43). A relatively short LH surge resulted in normal oocyte maturation and ovulation, whereas luteal phase length was reduced, implying that luteal support is required under these conditions. In the current study serum E2 and P levels were comparable for all treatment groups up to the day of oocyte retrieval. However, thereafter both E2 and P levels were higher in hCG-treated subjects. This difference can be explained by the prolonged half-life of hCG compared with LH, which is responsible for continued support of the corpus luteum. These luteal phase steroid levels far above the physiological range may suppress the release of endogenous gonadotropins required for corpus luteum support (44) and may exhibit a negative impact on endometrial receptivity (16, 17). In the current study luteal phase supplementation was applied by daily progestin administration. Therefore, the dynamics of midcycle LH requirements for subsequent normal luteal function in the human require further investigation. The physiological role of the midcycle FSH surge that occurs in the natural cycle has not been elucidated to date, but recent studies suggest that FSH may play a role in the process of nuclear maturation by actively promoting resumption of meiosis (45, 46). Moreover, studies in the rat have demonstrated that a high dose of FSH alone is capable of inducing ovulation (47). On the other hand, a midcycle FSH surge is not mandatory, as normal oocyte maturation and ovulation occur after the administration of hCG. The potential favorable impact of a GnRH agonist-induced FSH surge is unknown at present. In summary, the application of a single dose of GnRH agonist was shown to be effective in inducing a gonadotropin surge and triggering final oocyte maturation in normal responder patients after ovarian hyperstimulation for IVF cotreated with GnRH antagonist. Effects on the dynamics of the pituitary-ovarian axis during the luteal phase along with its capacity to prevent OHSS require further evaluation. This more physiological approach to inducing oocyte maturation may provide a successful and safer alternative for patients undergoing IVF. Fauser et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002;87(2):
41.7% (10/24) 2.9% (1/34) 16.7% (5/30) OR: (CI: 0.02–0.52) Early preg. loss. 66.7% (2/3) 9.1% (1/11) 83.3% (5/6) (1/6) OR: (CI:2.5–200.6) A bolus of GnRH agonist can stimulate the release of LH from the pituitary, triggering final oocyte maturation in the midcycle (Gonen et al., 1990; Imoedemhe et al., 1991; Itskovitz et al., 1991; Segal and Casper, 1992). This is not possible when agonists have already been used for pituitary down-regulation. Since inhibition of premature LH surge with GnRH agonists has been the established way of performing ovarian stimulation for several years in IVF (Hughes et al., 1992), an agonist induced LH surge has remained largely of theoretical interest. The clinical availability of GnRH antagonists in recent years has made possible the replacement of urinary/recombinant HCG or recombinant LH for triggering final oocyte maturation with GnRH agonist. This is due to the competitive blockage of GnRH receptors by GnRH antagonist, which still allows the stimulation of hypophysis with a GnRH agonist and the subsequent secretion of endogenous gonadotrophins (Felberbaum et al., 1995; Olivennes et al., 1996; Itskovitz-Eldor et al., 2000; Fauser et al., 2002; Beckers et al., 2003). The use of GnRH agonist to induce final oocyte maturation has been suggested to result in prevention of clinically significant ovarian stimulation syndrome by inducing quick and irreversible luteolysis (Kol et al., 2004). Although this approach might increase the safety of IVF, it has so far only been examined in a small randomized control trial (RCT), which did not allow solid conclusions to be drawn (Fauser et al., 2002). A further RCT comparing agonist and HCG triggering (Beckers et al., 2003) did not use luteal support after administration of HCG or GnRH agonist and its conclusions cannot be applied to GnRH antagonist cycles in which luteal supplementation is used. The purpose of this RCT was to compare fertilization rates after triggering of final oocyte maturation with GnRH agonist or HCG in a larger series of patients. timulation was performed with recombinant FSH (rFSH) (Puregon®, N.V. Organon, Oss, The Netherlands) starting in the afternoon of day 2 of a spontaneous cycle at 200 IU. The dose of rFSH remained unchanged during stimulation. Daily GnRH antagonist 0.25 mg (Orgalutran; N.V. Organon) was used to inhibit premature LH surge and was always started on the morning of day 6 of stimulation. Final oocyte maturation was achieved by administration of IU of HCG (Pregnyl, N.V. Organon) or 0.2 mg Triptorelin (Decapeptyl®, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Copenhagen, Denmark) as soon as ≥3 follicles of ≥17 mm were present in ultrasound, according to a computer-generated randomization list. The sequence of randomization was not concealed and the study was not blind. Steroid levels were measured but were not taken into consideration for administration of HCG, which was based exclusively on follicular development. Oocyte retrieval was carried out 36 h after triggering of final oocyte maturation by agonist or HCG by transvaginal ultrasound-guided puncture of follicles. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) was performed in the majority of the couples included (n = 97), while conventional IVF was carried out in nine couples. ICSI and IVF procedures were as described previously in detail by Van Steirteghem et al. (1993) and Devroey et al. (1995). As a matter of principle, 1–2 embryos were transferred on day 3 or day 5 after oocyte retrieval in Centre 1 and 2–3 embryos on day 2 of in vitro culture in Centre 2. In Centre 1, embryos were classified as top quality (score 1), medium quality (score 2) and low quality (score 3) as described previously (Staessen et al., 1992; Gardner and Schoolcraft, 1999). The mean score of the embryos transferred to each patient was used for the calculation of the mean quality score of all embryos transferred. In Centre 2, embryos were classified as top quality, medium quality or low quality, and the cumulative embryo score in a modified version was calculated as described previously (Ludwig et al., 2000). Luteal supplementation. The luteal phase was supplemented with vaginal administration of 600 mg natural micronized progesterone in three separate doses (Utrogestan®; Besins, Brussels, Belgium), and daily 2 × 2 mg oral estradiol (E2) (Progynova® Progynova; Schering, Berline, Germany), starting one day after oocyte retrieval and continued until 7 weeks of gestation in the presence of a positive HCG test. In Centre 2, vaginal and intramuscular progesterone only was administered, if conception occurred, until 7 weeks of pregnancy. his study has shown that, when final oocyte maturation is triggered by GnRH agonist instead of HCG, a significantly lower ongoing pregnancy rate is to be expected in cycles stimulated with GnRH antagonists and recombinant FSH for IVF. The use of an agonist as an alternative to HCG for triggering final oocyte maturation was evaluated recently in 122 patients (Humaidan et al., 2005). The results of that RCT, which were presented while the current study was ongoing, also showed a significantly lower ongoing pregnancy rate in the agonist arm. The lower pregnancy rate in the agonist arm in the study by Humaidan et al. (2005) might be associated with discontinuation of luteal support in the presence of a positive pregnancy test. However, the results of the present study do not support this claim, as luteal support was continued in all patients with a positive pregnancy test until 7 weeks of gestation. The present study and that by Humaidan et al. (2005) used different GnRH agonists to trigger final oocyte maturation (0.2 mg Triptorelin versus 0.5 mg buserelin s.c., respectively) and both showed a decreased probability of pregnancy in the agonist arm. It is thus possible that the adverse effect of agonist triggering is independent of the type of the GnRH agonist used and that this is mainly due to replacement of the HCG triggering signal. In contrast to the present study, Humaidan et al. (2005) showed that the use of agonist for triggering final oocyte maturation was associated with a higher percentage of MII oocytes compared with HCG. It is not clear if this is due to differences in the stimulation protocols between the two studies. Besides triggering final oocyte maturation with a different agonist, Humaidan et al. (2005) administered GnRH antagonist in a flexible scheme—in contrast to a fixed GnRH antagonist protocol used in the current study. Moreover, the criteria used to administer HCG or GnRH agonist were different between the two studies (presence of at least three follicles of 17 mm versus as soon as ≥3 follicles of ≥17mm, respectively). The same was true for the time interval from injecting agonist or HCG until oocyte retrieval (35 h versus 36 h, respectively). It should be noted, however, that neither Humaidan et al. (2005) nor the current study randomized only ICSI patients to receive agonist or HCG for triggering final oocyte maturation. Thus, the comparison in the proportion of MII oocytes is based on a part of the patients randomized in each study (those who performed ICSI). Thus, although interesting and perhaps requiring further evaluation, the difference observed in the proportion of MII oocytes does not originate from a randomized controlled trial performed to answer this specific question. Several hypotheses might explain the significantly lower probability of pregnancy after GnRH agonist triggering of final oocyte maturation in the current study. It might be due to a negative influence of agonist triggering on oocyte quality or it might be associated with a negative effect of GnRH agonist triggering on endometrial receptivity. The latter might be due to inadequately developed corpora lutea, insufficient stimulation of the ensuing corpora lutea or inadequate luteal support with E2 and progesterone. Finally, a combination of the above factors cannot be excluded. Effect of agonist triggering on oocyte quality. HCG has been used as a means for triggering final oocyte maturation for many years. The LH activity it conveys lasts for several days compared with the naturally occurring LH surge, the duration of which is about 48 h (Fauser et al., 2002). GnRH agonist, on the other hand, mimics more closely the natural LH surge, though the duration of the agonist-induced surge appears to be shorter (Fauser et al., 2002). It is possible that the lower ongoing pregnancy rate observed in the agonist arm might be associated with the shorter duration of the agonist induced LH surge, which results in decreased oocyte quality and compromised embryo development. However, this is unlikely to be true since similar numbers of MII oocytes, similar fertilization rates and numbers of 2PN oocytes were present in the two arms of the current study. This was also true for the numbers and quality of the embryos transferred. Formation of non-functional corpora lutea or inadequate stimulation of corpora lutea after agonist triggering. It cannot be excluded that the shorter duration of the agonist-induced LH surge might not transform the existing follicles efficiently to corpora lutea capable of supporting implantation. Studies in primates have shown that corpus luteum cannot be supported or induced by LH surges with duration of <48 h (Chandrasekher et al., 1994). Inefficient luteinization and/or corpora lutea function might also be due to the suppression of LH, induced by pituitary agonist down-regulation. Although both the above events are likely to take place after agonist triggering, they do not offer a clear explanation for the decreased ongoing pregnancy rates in the agonist arm. This is due to the fact that low luteal LH levels are normal after ovarian stimulation that aims at multifollicular development, regardless of whether antagonist suppression of premature LH surge is used or not (Tavaniotou et al., 2001). Moreover, it is accepted that the luteal phase is defective after ovarian stimulation with gonadotrophins, HCG and GnRH analogues (Kolibianakis and Devroey, 2002). For that reason, luteal phase supplementation in the form of progesterone administration alone or in combination with E2 (Pritts and Atwood, 2002) is compulsory in either GnRH agonist (Soliman et al., 1994) or GnRH antagonists cycles (Albano et al., 1998; Beckers et al., 2003; Kolibianakis et al., 2003) and improves pregnancy rates. Inadequate dosing of E2 and progesterone for luteal support after agonist triggering. The efficacy of progesterone and/or E2 as a means for luteal support in IVF has always been examined after final oocyte maturation has been triggered with HCG. It is thus likely, that in addition to progesterone and or E2, the luteal phase is also supported partially by the HCG which, although it is administered to mature the oocyte cohort, also stimulates the ensuing corpora lutea. Due to its long half-life, HCG will sustain LH activity for a period of ∼10 days during which implantation takes place (Fauser et al., 2002). LH activity, however, is not sustained after agonist triggering, as the endogenous LH levels will remain low after the initial surge (Fauser et al., 2002). Thus, existing corpora lutea are deprived from both endogenous LH and exogenous LH activity offered by HCG during the implantation period. It has been previously shown in primates that withdrawal of LH results in luteolysis (Collins et al., 1986; Duffy et al., 1999). It is likely that, after an agonist triggering, the luteal phase support might depend entirely on exogenous progesterone and E2 administration, which may not be efficient to sustain implantation. Why luteal supplementation in the form of progesterone and E2 alone does not sustain pregnancy rate is not clear, although it may be that the doses of progesterone and E2 used are low. If this is the case, increased doses such as those used in patients with primary ovarian insufficiency (Devroey et al., 1988) might improve pregnancy rates. However, the beneficial effect of E2 and progesterone in high doses after ovarian stimulation for IVF might not be the same as that in patients performing a frozen cycle. Luteal transformation after ovarian stimulation for IVF starts in all cycles in the presence of a an endometrium which has already entered luteal phase (Ubaldi et al., 1997; Kolibianakis et al., 2002). The use of HCG to further stimulate corpora lutea after GnRH agonist triggering, although interesting as a concept, might not work if the shorter duration of agonist-induced LH surge does not transform follicles to functional corpora lutea amenable to HCG stimulation. More importantly, it negates the main advantage of agonist, which is a reduced risk of OHSS due to the absence of HCG stimulation in the presence of multiple follicular development. The results of the current study put in serious doubt the feasibility of using GnRH agonist to induce final oocyte maturation in IVF when GnRH antagonists are used for premature LH surge inhibition. At present, HCG appears to be the most reliable approach for triggering final oocyte maturation both in antagonist and in agonist cycles. It was recently suggested that replacement of HCG by recombinant LH in agonist cycles results in a significantly lower pregnancy rate compared with HCG (Aboulghar and Al Inany, 2005). GnRH agonist triggering might be still be useful in oocyte donation cycles where the quality of the luteal phase is not important. For that purpose, the outcome of the frozen thawed cycles after agonist triggering needs to be examined in a future study. If the low pregnancy rates reported in a previous very small uncontrolled study (Itskovitz et al., 2000) in frozen embryo transfer cycles are not confirmed, then GnRH agonist triggering might still have a place in ART. Kolibianakis et al. Hum Reprod (2005); 20:2887.
Medication. Progesterone + E2 + microdose hCG. Gn Antagonist. from day 6. GnRHa. Gonadotrophins. from day 2. CycleDay Process. Scan. Scans. OR. ET. PT. Bleeding. Follicle growth. Luteal phase.
LBR. OHSS. Haahr et al. Frontiers in Endocrinology June
LPS should be provided in GnRH antagonist cycles. Use cheapest, easiest preparation. Gestone injections should be avoided. Extension of LPS after + PT unlikely to be helpful. GnRHa trigger – CL rescue uncertain efficacy. 1 nmol/L = 0.3 ng/ml.
Process. Scan. Scans. OR. ET. PT. Bleeding. Follicle growth. Luteal phase. Clomid + hMG + hCG. GN day Clomid.
ART does not equate to loss of CL function. LPS unnecessary in cycles when gonadotrophins are not suppressed. Evidence supports LPS in long protocol GnRHa cycles. Type, duration and dose does not matter – best to use cheapest and easiest till date of first missed period. GnRHa triggered cycles for OHSS avoidance - freeze all. Modified LPS with microdose hCG may be helpful. Clomid + hMG + hCG cost effective solution.

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